Power Plants

Dive into the fascinating world of urbex as we explore abandoned power plants. Discover the massive turbines, gorgeous control rooms, and the industrial beauty left behind. Join us on this urban exploring journey through the hidden corners of these once-powerful facilities, and see the remnants of the past up close.

Kermit Frog Power Plant

Posted on September 26, 2023 by

Named after its green turbine, the Kermit Frog power plant was a coal-fired power plant. It housed two turbines, today the power plant is de... [read more]

Kraftwerk V

Posted on August 9, 2023 by

Kraftwerk V was a large lignite-fired power plant in Germany. The plant used to house twelve turbines, but today it stands mostly empty.... [read more]

Kraftwerk P

Posted on July 27, 2023 by

Kraftwerk P was one of the most modern power plants for its time. Today the power plant stands tall with no future.... [read more]

Kraftwerk B

Posted on April 30, 2023 by

Today, we venture inside what once was one of Germany's largest power plants. We must be careful as there is an active power plant next... [read more]

Power Plant Orange

Posted on January 20, 2023 by

Power Plant Orange is a partially decommissioned power plant. It houses a large orange turbine, and has a huge chimney. Join us on this adve... [read more]